On Tuesday-Wednesday, December 1-2, 2020, the workshop on The Preparation of Term of Reference (TOR) Masterplan ICZM Brebes Coastal Region has been held. This workshop was an activity organized by the Pusdataru Office of Central Java Province and invited various agencies and related parties involved in the Central Java ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) team, including the Center for ICZM Diponegoro University as one of the cooperation partners.
Taking place at Santika Premiere Hotel Semarang, the event was opened by the Head of PUSDATARU Office of Central Java Province, Ir. SR. Eko Yunianto, Sp.1. He said that the north coast of Central Java should be given attention to anticipate the development of industrial estates that have been regulated in the Presidential Regulation. In addition, it is also conveyed in the preparation of the masterplan of coastal areas of Brebes later must be in accordance with the existing Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) and consider the management between water resources and coastal natural conditions.
Speakers who attended and gave materials at this workshop include from the Marine and Fisheries Office of Central Java Province represented by Ir. Lilik Harnadi, M.Si, M.Sc; Indonesia-Netherlands cooperation consortium represented by Victor John Coenen of Witteveen+Bos; Bappeda of Brebes Regency; and Dr.-Ing Wisnu Pradoto and Dr. Muhammad Helmi who represented the Center for ICZM of Diponegoro University. Various materials from the profile of Brebes Regency, the potentials and problems of the coastal areas of Brebes, to international examples of ICZM are given so that in the preparation of this TOR can give directions in accordance with the conditions of coastal areas of Brebes Regency.
Source: www.undip.ac.id