31 Scientific Works of UNDIP Students Enter the Final of PIMNAS in 2020
About 31 scientific works of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) entered the final round of the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2020. Furthermore, 31 Undip Student Teams had to compete by presenting proposals in front of the jury to be the best in the scientific arena for Indonesian students on 24-29 November 2020.
In detail from their proposal groups, 31 scientific works of UNDIP students consist of 2 proposals for the Student Creativity Program in Entrepreneurship (PKMK), 2 creative proposals (PKMKC), 10 written idea proposals (PKMGT), 2 community service proposals (PKMM), 2 technology development proposals (PKMT), 9 exact research proposals (PKME) and 6 social humanities research proposals (PKMSE). In principle, there are actually five categories of PKM PIMNAS 2020, namely PKM-E / SH, PKM-KC, PKM-T, PKM-M and PKM-K. However, in its development in the announcement, the categories developed into 8 categories, namely PKM-GFK, PKM-GT, PKM-KC, PKM-M, PKM-PE, PKM-PSH and PKM-T.
For the final stage, based on data on the page https://simbelmawa.kemdikbud.go.id/, each team will be evaluated by an Assessment Team selected by the PIMNAS 2020 organizer. The assessment is carried out on participants including online presentations, posters, final reports and outputs in the form of articles. review complete narrative(PKM-P) or a complete activity video in accordance with the PKM field.
Each Student Scientific Work Team who enters the PIMNAS final will be given 30 minutes each, the allocation of which is 5 minutes for preparation, 10 minutes of presentation time and showing related evidence, and 15 minutes for question and answer, discussion and clarification of the results of the activity.
Before making a presentation, participants consisting of the chairman and members are required to make, compile and upload a poster, output in the form of a complete Narrative Review Article (PKM-P) or a complete activity video in accordance with the field of PKM no later than November 22, 2020 at 23.59 WIB. Posters and outputs in the form of a complete Narrative Review Article (PKM-P) or video of complete activities in accordance with the field of PKM that have been uploaded, validated by the Companion Lecturer and digitally validated by Higher Education Leaders for Student Affairs at Simbelmawa no later than 22 November 2020 at 23.59 WIB.
sources: undip.ac.id