Still with the theme "Undip Innovation during the Covid-19 Pandemic", two professors of Diponegoro University showed their innovations in the Halo Jateng talk show program with TVRI. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA from Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip, and Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho Sugianto, S.T., M.Si. from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Undip were present as speakers. The two Undip lecturers have created innovative products that can be the solution of problems in the modern era as it is today.
Prof. Muhammad Nur is known as a plasma technology expert in Undip and in Indonesia. Previously, he had created a room purifier called Zeta Green that has been used in several government agencies and hospitals. The device is able to clear the air in an area, eliminate unpleasant odors, kill fungi and bacteria, and suck out dust and dirt. Bacteria and dust particles are destroyed by plasma reactors so that the air in the room contained by Zeta Green becomes cleaner and healthier. Another innovation from him is a tool to preserve vegetables that also use plasma technology. Using cold plasma that reaches a temperature of 1000° Celsius, this tool is able to kill germs in vegetables and make tissue growth faster.
Furthermore, the innovation created by Prof. Denny is motivated by rob problems that routinely occur in the city of Semarang. Flooding is affected by tidal seawater due to the moon's gravity as well as soil drop, and external factors such as strong winds and storms can make things worse. Based on this fact, he created an application called Rob Calendar that is available in the offline form in the form of calendar hard copy and online on play store. Rob's calendar is an early warning system against high tides/ rob. App users can see the date and time of rob's estimated appearance so they can anticipate flooding. Tidal data that is the result of research by Undip engineering lecturers are updated once a year. In addition to this application, Prof. Denny is also developing a prototype of Pantura erosion handling in the cities of Semarang and Demak. He listened to ideas and inputs from the community and collaborated with them to actively participate in the efforts to reconstruct the coastline.
The research conducted by Undip professors certainly started with the establishment of many programs. In its implementation, lecturers collaborate with students, Undip, the government, and the community to jointly overcome the problems that often arise in the city of Semarang and other cities in Central Java.
Source: www.undip.ac.id